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       from a dream to reality...       


Mana Paula Hair Oils was created by its founder Paula Rocha. Mana Paula Hair Oils was born out of a health necessity in circumstances in which obliged the founder, to take a decision that would change her hair currently situation.

Paula always had healthy, strong and long hair. However, she found herself sick, for several years and this had a negative impact on her hair. Paula's began to experience hair lost and her hair became dull, weak and difficult to grow. After, tirelessly using different hair products, to help with the poor situation of her hair, without success, Paula took another turn and decided to try organics oils for her hair. Once started to use organics hair oils infusions developed and made by Paula, her hair started to grow strong and healthy.

After the experience, Paula decided to commercialise the same oils, which contributed her hair to grow strong and healthy.

Mana Paula's Hair Oils vision consists of using only organics ingredients with no chemicals elements. Every ingredient is chosen with care having in mind the quality of it. Paula believes quality ingredients provides great quality results. Hence why, the result of her hair growing stronger and healthier.

Paula wants her clients to have the same experience, results and satisfaction, when using Mana Paula Hair Oils as she has been having with her hair. 

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